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KMID : 0359020110430010030
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2011 Volume.43 No. 1 p.30 ~ p.32
A Case of Corrosive Esophagogastritis after Copper Sulfate Ingestion
Joo Hee-Rin

Park Jong-Ha
Kim Tae-Gyoon
Seo Eun-Hee
Park Seung-Ha
Kim Tae-Oh
Yang Sung-Yeon
Moon Young-Soo
Copper sulfate ingestion is a rare cause of corrosive gastrointestinal injury in the Republic of Korea. In developing countries, copper sulfate is chiefly used for agricultural purposes as a pesticide and in the leather industry. It is also used in school science classes in the form of bright blue crystals. Copper sulfate is a powerful oxidizing agent that is corrosive to mucous membranes. Concentrated solutions are acidic, with a pH of 4. We report a case of corrosive gastritis and esophagitis due to accidental copper sulfate ingestion in a 12-year-old boy.
Copper sulfate, Burns, Chemical
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